Teachers Links
Last Updated : 17-05-2005 (75 read)

French Links

TV5 - French TV Channel

Le Monde

Live radio, TV and webcams

French Teacher Net - comprehensive list of interactive sites.

Zut - Interactive Activities for French Teachers and Learners - In order to use Zut! between the hours of 9am and 4pm on Weekdays, you will need to register. Free after 4pm.

Cortland - le site de Civilisation française

French Met Office Website - animated weather maps

German Links

Goethe Institut Glasgow

Die Welt

Gut - Interactive Activities for German Teachers and Learners

Meine Freizeit - Site designed to help pupils write a German folio piece on the topic of Leisure Activities.

Neckerman mail order catalogue - useful for German clothes shopping

Brennpunkt - based on Higher/AH textbook. Vocab and grammar exercises plus section with links to relevant German websites

Multi-lingual Links

National Grid for Learning

Linguanet - CILT website - information and materials for language teachers and learners

BBC Education (Languages)

Musselburgh Grammar School - French, German and Spanish

Learning and Teaching Scotland

The Wired Shire

Languages Online - French, German, Spanish and Italian materials

Linguaweb - on-line language learning resources for students and teachers


Leeds University - French, German and Spanish resource links plus a list of general language-related links.


Quia - free access to interactive games - pay subscription to create own games

Linguascope - subscription site - gives access to interactive games and printable worksheets.

Linguashare - subscription site - allows teachers to share resources including worksheets, powerpoint presentations, flashcards etc.

Linguamate - subscription site - allows teachers to create own games.

National Grid for Learning Wales

Channel 4 - online games for pupils in French and German, based on C4 programmes

Maps of many countries, for use on a whiteboard