Standard Grade German
Last Updated : 05-12-2005
Standard Grade German
Standard Grade German
Zickzack 3 - Kapitel 3 - Mach mit!
Revise Food
Revise Food
Revise more food
At the Table
Phrases for use at the table
- Games to help you learn
Practice phrases to use at the table and uncover a hidden picture
Match up the phrases with their correct meaning
Millionaire Game
How well can you cope with a food-eating situation in German
Rooms in the house
Rooms and Furniture
Rooms of the House - Hangman
What do you do in which room?
Helping in the House
Offering and asking for help -Learning Games
Match up the sentences with their correct meanings
Saying what you are allowed to do
What you are allowed to do at home
- Get to know the vocabulary
- More practice
Listen and Fill in gaps
Saying 'must' and 'can'
Examples with sound and activities from BBC Languages
Dative Case
Prepositions with the Dative
More on prepostions with dative
More on prepostions with dative
Zickzack 3 - Kapitel 4
At the cinema - various exercises
Practice your Grammar
Adjectives in the accusative
The Present Tense
Modal Verbs - muessen and wollen
Talking about the past
- An introduction to the Perfect Tense
The Perfect Tense
The Perfect Tense 2
Talking about Future Plans
Verb Busters
German Word Order - Time and Place
German Word Order
Cases with ein, mein, dein, sein, ihr
Mixed Tenses Revision
Adjectives in the Accusative
Grammar Revision
Weil Clauses
Dative and Genitive - Wo wohnst du?
Listening Practice
Easy Listening Practice - BBC 'Talk German' Videos - (you will need Real Player on your computer to use this.)
Talking about yourself and your Family
Jobs, hobbies and leisure activities
Where you live and where you're from
Order Drinks
Check in at a hotel
Asking for Directions
Order a Meal
Buy Train Tickets
More advanced listening
German videos on many topics - a quiz is included with each
- Excellent practice!
Site to help you do a piece of writing on your leisure activities
General Revision
- Lots of different activities for vocabulary learning, listening, reading and some writing. Goes through lots of basic vocabulary.