Higher French
Higher French
Higher French
French Revision Website
- Revision at all levels. This site contains tons of interactive French exercises. There are listening, reading and writing exercises. The exercises mark themselves and a score is given!
Practice your Grammar
The Present Tense
-ER Verbs for Beginners
The Perfect Tense for Beginners
The Perfect Tense
The Perfect Tense 2
The Imperfect Tense
Using the Perfect and Imperfect
The Future Tense
The Conditional Tense
Reflexive Verbs
Using Negatives
Time Phrases and Verb Tenses
Attention à l'accent!
Verb Busters
Various Tenses Practice
Various Grammar Points
Listening Practice
French videos on many topics - a quiz is included with each
- Excellent practice!
Other Useful Links
Musselburgh Grammar School Higher French Language Page
- Links to practice in listening, reading and grammar exercises
Musselburgh Grammar School Higher French Literature Page